Le prochain Forum Horizon Chimie aura lieu dans :707 jours

Forum Horizon Chimie 35th Edition

This event is a privileged venue for companies to promote their activities and values to students looking for information, in order to better prepare themselves for what they will be tomorrow, that is qualified and polyvalent engineers or executives.

Throughout the Forum, they will have the opportunity to discover the perspectives which are given to them within the different companies present. Furthermore, these meetings often lead to job or internship offers.

Although this event is primarily oriented towards chemistry, the Forum Horizon Chimie welcomes companies from many other fields such as physical chemistry, physics, or pharmaceuticals, but also energy, consulting and food processing. Participants can be found in the “Forum” section.

This Forum is organised by a team of young and motivated students from four French chemistry engineering schools,

– The E.C.P.M. (European Engineering School of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials Science of Strasbourg),

– The ENSCP Chimie ParisTech (Chemistry and Engineering School of Paris),

– The E.N.S.I.C. (Chemical Industry Engineering school of Nancy),

– The E.S.P.C.I. ParisTech (Chemical and Physics Industry Engineering School of Paris)

Prochaine édition :

lundi 18 octobre 2021

From 9.00 am to 6.00 pm

Free entrance


Maison de la Chimie

28, rue Saint Dominique 75007 Paris, France

Invalides (line 8 et 13) or Assemblée Nationale (line 12)

 Line C (Esplanade des Invalides)

Découvrir le forum en vidéo

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